Windows OnLine Box 1614 Danville, Ca. 94526-6614 (510) 736-8343 Modem Thank you for downloading our Writer's Guide. We hope that this guide contains all the required files to assist you in preparing your article for our magazine, the REVIEW. If you have any problems, questions, or suggestions, please leave a message in Conference #4, the Writer's Conference on Windows OnLine. Address your message to Rich Young, our Editor. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank You! The Writer's Guide file contains: * WOLGUIDE.HLP The Writer's Guide Help file. * INVOICE.WRI The billing invoice form in Write format. * README.TXT This file, you are reading. * WOLR.DOT A Word For Windows Writer's Template file. * SAMPLE.ZIP The compressed file with samples. >HC.PIF Sample Windows PIF file for the compiler. >SAMPLE.HLP Sample HLP file from the samples. >SAMPLE.HPJ Sample HPJ (project) file. >SAMPLE.RTF Sample RTF (sample article) file. >SAMPLE1.BMP Sample 1 BMP file used in the sample. >SAMPLE2.BMP Sample 2 BMP file used in the sample. >SAMPLE3.BMP Sample 3 BMP file used in the sample.